Monday, August 30, 2010


Our weather is changing here in sunny Ca and it's starting to feel like fall! I love when this time of year comes! I am also feeling a bit under the weather, Shannon was fighting this cold and then gave it to Jr and I now. I think his is teeth related but I am hoping not to feel worse, my throat is so sore!

Well I have  been busy ramping up my Mary Kay business lately and that can very humbling.  I invited all of my neighbors to an open house sale at my home and not one person came!  Soooooo.... I am prayerfully seekign guidance to know what to do next and how to go about it because I am a little rusty in the social and people area, not having gone out and done this for a while.  I have faith that it will pick up and that I will meet who I am supposed to and when!

 I am also marketing myself more for my notary business.  I am so thankful to be home with JR but I am really excited to be able to monetarily contribute to our empire! Jr is getting so big!  He gets smarter and smarter every day.  When he calls me "mum" it just melts my heart!